Monday, February 27, 2017


You don't know. You don't know how long I had been waiting for you. I guess you never even considered me important anyway. But that's not the case for me. You were always my motivation, my hope. I would do an extra push when my body started to betray me. I would wake up in the middle of the night, hoping you had sent me a message. I would then send a picture of myself being foolish, hoping that it would cheer you up. Because I knew. I knew you fought hard to escape your constraining bed every morning, but that's all I could do. Sometimes when I was in my bed, I would prevent myself from sleeping so that I could have more time thinking about you, thinking about what we could be. But when my logic took over my emotions in the morning, I knew we were't possible. You never liked me. When we hung out, you never seemed delighted. You didn't need me. I was just there so that you could kill your time while your boyfriend was too busy doing his cross training. I was just there so that you had someone to talk to when he hurt your feelings. He flirted with other girls when you were not around. You found out, you cried. But after a day you would still chose him over me. It had been two years. My face could no longer hide my fake smile. My body had fatigued trying to make you notice me. Every time I saw you my heart shattered as if it was tossed from the Pisa Tower. I couldn't live like this anymore. I just can't. It was a great experience, but it's time for an end.

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